Thursday, March 27, 2008

This or that burrito

Eat This Taco Bell Regular Style Steak Burrito Supreme 300 calories 14 g fat
Not That Chipotle Steak Burrito 1,193 calories 48 g fat

Save 803 calories and 34 grams of fat!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Interval Training speeds fat loss

Interval Training for Performance and Fat Loss

Which cardio method works best for fat loss? There’s clearly a winning pick: interval training. That's because hard and fast beats slow and steady every single time. Better yet, interval training is also a secret weapon for endurance athletes and bodybuilders. In fact, you could say it's the ultimate training tool for any goal.
An interval is a brief bout of intense physical activity--such as a sprint--alternated with a longer period of rest or lighter exercise. For example, you might run all-out for 15 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds--that's one interval. By varying the duration of either your sprint or your rest period, you can change the way the interval affects your body. In other words, some types of intervals are better for losing fat, while others would be superior for endurance conditioning or weight training. Whether you want more muscle, less fat, or better conditioning, interval training is the way to go.
Remember, most people prefer cardio, such as jogging or walking to interval training-simply because intervals are harder. But interval training is certainly not as boring. ask yourself this: Would you rather be walking on the treadmill for an hour or do 22 minutes of a hard interval?

Beginner Workout - 22 Minutes
Warm up
5 Minutes: RPE 3-4: Warm Up at an easy pace
Rest Set
5 Minutes: RPE 5: Increase speed from warm up and set the incline to 1%. Keep a moderate pace.
Work Set
1 Minute: RPE 7 - Increase incline to raise the intensity level. You should be working hard!
Rest Set
5 Minutes: RPE 5 - Decrease speed and incline to lower your heart rate back to a comfortable level
Work Set
1 Minute: RPE 8 - Increase speed to raise the intensity level. You should be working hard!
Cool down
5 Minutes: RPE 3-5 - Decrease speed/incline to lower your heart rate back to a comfortable level and cool down

A study in December in the Journal of Applied Physiology and conducted by a team at Canada's University of Guelph found that just two weeks of alternate-day interval training increased moderately active 22-year old women's fat burning ability by 36%.Here are some Advantages of choosing Interval Training over Steady State Cardio:1) Saves time. Most intervals last about 20 minutes in comparison to 1 to 2 hours on the treadmill with old school cardio.
2) Stimulates a greater release of growth hormone. Studies have shown that intense interval training produces growth hormone which build lean muscle mass.3) The intervals should be done on alternate days not back to back and I usually recommend for about 3-4 days out of the week. There is also less exposure on the joints because it takes less time to complete.4) Metabolic disturbance. Interval training increases metabolism and post-exercise oxygen consumption which has been shown to burn fat for 24 hours after the interval bout.5) Creates variety. Interval training can be done with body weight exercises, on exercise machines, with medicine balls, with weights, and outdoors. Interval training is an effective method that has many tools.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lose 5 pounds in 7 days

Okay, you won;t lose 5 pounds of fat but here is a drink formulated by " The Biggest Loser " trainer Jillian Michaels for the " oh my God, I have my reunion on Saturday" folks. It is also pretty handy for powerlifters and wrestlers that need to make weight.

Dieuretic drink
5 lb. 7 days

60 oz distilled water
1 T. unsweetened cranberry juice
1 Dandelion root tea bag
2 T Lemon juice

Make and drink this every day in the week to flush out extra body fluid

Monday, March 17, 2008

Remove fat from your waistline

Allow me to point out the difference between uncovering the abdominals and conditioning the abdominals. Uncovering involves fat loss in the midsection, while conditioning involves training the midsection. These are two entirely different things. If you are an experienced resistance trainee, this had better not come as a big surprise. Never train abdominals with the intention of losing fat around the waist. Approach your abdominal training as a part of your overall core conditioning.
Let’s face it, what do people ask for more than anything? A flatter stomach! What do trainers and fitness enthusiasts immediately focus on when fat loss in the abdominal region is the challenge? You guessed it, abdominal exercises. Wrong! In the absence of dieting and/or improving your fitness lifestyle in other areas, if you were to do nothing but abdominal exercises you would show no results when it comes to revealing those invisible abs. This may be one of the single biggest reasons beginners lose their motivation to train. They exclusively do tons of abdominal work and never show visible signs of improvement. When a person does see fat loss progress while training abdominals, it is almost always because there are other newly added components of their fitness program that are responsible. Specific to fat loss, abdominal training by itself is nearly worthless.
Imagine, if you will, impermeable sheaths of tissue separating subcutaneous fat stores from muscles throughout the entire body. For our purposes, these sheaths separate subcutaneous fat from its underlying muscles making it impossible for localized fat to move directly across to trained muscles. Now imagine the cardiovascular system being able to transport fat to muscle. When muscle energy is expended and is being replaced in any location in the body, under the proper dietary conditions, fat-burning hormones and enzymes circulate to every fat cell the vascular system can reach (almost all fat cells in the body) simultaneously. Hence, there is a general fat release throughout the body, not localized or isolated fat release as some still believe. Frequent low- to moderate-intensity, full-body workouts with a moderate amount of aerobics thrown in, coupled with an effective diet, will go a long way to improving general fat loss to include that waistline.

Back on Line

Hello everyone, Time Warner has finally got me back on line, hopefully permanently. My internet in my office has been down for six weeks, off and on. I can't really complain since it was my dog that ate the line outside but it sure slowed down my blogging.

I would like to hear how you are doing with summer right around the corner.

Be ready for some fat blasting ideas coming in the next week.

I will try to get in the best ideas from the bodybuilders and powerlifters. Those are the guys that are masters at dropping body fat.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How to Spot a Bad Personal Trainer

Observations of bad personal trainers

No one wakes up in the morning deciding to do a bad job but yet it sometimes happens. If you see any of these traits in your fitness trainer you should evaluate your training experience. All of these are from personal observations or first hand accounts from their clients.

You show up for your session but your trainer is a no show. This is also for chronically late trainers. Your time is every bit as valuable as the trainers.
Trainer is talking on their cell phone during the session. Again, this is your time
The trainer spends your training time crabbing about their boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, etc.
Smells like cigarette smoke or alcohol
You have booked a trainer but get pawned off on another without a prior agreement that this may occur.
Your trainer does not encourage you or push you to better yourself.
Is lazy, puts you on a treadmill for an hour and shows up once in a while to take your pulse but offers no feedback or other training.
Gives you exercises that are clearly out of your fitness level. Example: You may be overweight with a medical problem such as uncontrolled high blood pressure and they have you running bleachers early in your training. This would also include doing busy work that is not helping you to reach your goals.
Double books and you spend your session being juggled with another client.
Trainer is flirtatious with you or other clients
Your trainer borrows money from you.

Most of the trainers out there are good hardworking people with your best interest at heart. In the interest of all of them this is to inform you of unacceptable practices of the few.