Thursday, January 17, 2008

Exercising With a Broken Foot

After having been off of my feet for 9 weeks with two broken bones in my foot I can tell you first hand that exercising with this kind of injury is very difficult but notice I did not say impossible.
Of course since I can't put any weight on my foot lower body work is out of the question for now. The most I have been doing is some isometric squeezing of the quads, hamstrings and glutes to remind them that I will be calling them to action soon.
200 reps of ab work each day and some light arm and shoulders. Anything that can be done sitting in a chair. The reason the arm and shoulder work has to be light is I do have to actually get the dumbells out of the rack and to the chair while on crutches.
If anyone has pointers to working out with injuries it would be greatly appreciated.

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