Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Cookies and Candy

Okay, Christmas is over and we are all regretting the sugar and other over indulgences. You may have even decided not to weigh yourself until the new year to get a fresh start. My advice today is to not wait for Jan. 1st. to start your New Year resolutions. Begin today, the day after Christmas. If your guests did not take home cookes, pie and candies take them to work for your co-workers who aren't as interested in a great shape as you.
If any of those horrible yummies are still in your home when you get there they will call your name. If you wrap them really tight and hide them in the freezer under a ham and a turkey there will come a time in the witching hour while watching television ( mine is 9:00 PM) that those Esther Price chocolates will call your name with a siren song. You will try to resist but it will be futile. I have read that if you are really craving sugar you should eat an apple. That's kind of funny. If you are anything like me you will eat the apple, wait ten minutes for the satisfaction to kick in and then dig out the chocolates. Will power is overrated. Get them out of the house while you have the chance.

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