Thursday, December 20, 2007

Making Your New Years Resolutions Matter

The most common New Year's resolution is to "lose weight" followed by " get in shape". Unfortunately these are so vague that they won't be of much use. A good resolution must start with a goal and then a plan.

1. Example of good resolution: I will lose 20 pounds by August 15th. 2008, reducing my weight from 199 pounds to 179 pounds.

2. Plan: How many times a week will you exercise? How much cardio, weight training, and flexibility training? How will you get your family involved? What kind of nutrition program will you be following?

Once you know your goal and have made notes about your plan put it all on a calendar, plan each day. As you acheive each days goal cross out the day with a red marker. If you can have 90% of each month crossed off you will be well on your way to the body you want for the new year.

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