Sunday, June 29, 2008

Power Program

5 Days per week
1 hour per workout
20 sets per exercise
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Day #1 - Bench Press
Day #2 - Deadlift
Day #3 - Cheat Curl
Day # - Parallel Squat
Day #5 - Power Row (Bent Row)
1: 5 - reps at 0 - 70% of your one rep max
2: 3 - reps with 5 - 10 lbs more
3: 3 - reps with 5 - 10 lbs more
4: 3 - reps with 5 - 10 lbs more
5: 3 reps with 5 - 10 lbs more
6: 2 - 3 reps with 5 - 10 lbs more
7: 2 - 3 reps with 5 - 10 lbs more
8: 2 reps with 5 - 10 lbs more
9: 1 - 2 reps with 5 - 10 lbs more
10: 1 rep with 5 - 10 lbs more (this should be your
one reps max)
11: 1 rep with same weight as set 10
12: to failure with 10 lbs less
13: to failure with 10 lbs less
14 : to failure with 10 lbs less
15: to failure with 10 lbs less
16 : to failure with 10 lbs less
17: to failure with 10 lbs less
18: to failure with 10 lbs less
19: to failure with 50 lbs less
20: same as set 19

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